CNQ TNT HLB Release:
CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_5.1.rwp!;
As I announced before,
This version 5.1 has changed default MK3 BG_Modern to RA_BG_Mk3 for ALL default MK3 coaches!
In other others, it is AP MK3 sound ready package!
So, If you do not have AP Mk3 sound what happen!
Do not worry! NO Problem!
I have included
This is Bridging file to Default RW BG_Moderen MK3 Sound!
So, If you do not install AP MK3 sound, you will have Default RW Mk3 sound!
And if you install AP MK3 sound, it will overwrite RA_BG_Mk3.proxyxml,
so you will have AP Mk3 sound.
Later, If you uninstall AP MK3 Sound,
YOU SHOULD RECOPY RA_BG_Mk3.proxyxml from the package to revert to Default RW MK3 Sound!
What is Changed:
- Yes, MK3 Sound is AP ready!
- Some Second coaches(Default, FGW) had BUG!
I fixed them.
Now I am making RWD HST TNT Pack!
That will be AP MTU, VP_185, OV MK3, AP MK3 Sound ready, by the same technique!
And I think that package can cover MOST of the HST repaint in the RW world!
If you did miss some TNT package, or need special TNT pack,
visit railworks freeforum. That will have ALL the TNT series!
Still, UKTS guys are struggling with CLass166 Rear Screaming(Revving).
This TNT pack had ALREADY removed those nuisance.