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Info sobre LUA. Manuales.

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Info sobre LUA. Manuales.

Notapor blas_dani » Lun Jun 22, 2009 9:18 am


Referencias sobre el lua...

There are many reasons as to why we selected Lua, the foremost being its simple procedural syntax (which will mean that developers of well-known languages, such as Java or C, will experience very little difficulty in adjusting to Lua syntax) and also the way that Lua has been designed from the ground up to extend existing applications (thereby making it the obvious choice for add-on developers to extend Rail Simulator).

Lua is free open source software.
The official Lua site is, and on this site you can find a great deal of support including:

- the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual (available online at:
- First edition of Programming in Lua (available online at:
There are also many unofficial discussion and help groups available for people who would like to learn to program in Lua.

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Re: Info sobre LUA. Manuales.

Notapor Tolu » Vie Nov 26, 2010 7:57 pm

Hola a todos.

He encontrado este manual LUA traducido al español.

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Registrado: Dom Abr 20, 2008 11:59 am

Re: Info sobre LUA. Manuales.

Notapor Bermúdez » Vie Nov 26, 2010 8:55 pm

Tolu escribió:Hola a todos.

He encontrado este manual LUA traducido al español.


Pues no has descubierto nada nuevo, porque ese manual ya lo revelaron hace casi 2 años aquí:
Un saludo. :wink: - Foro y descargas para TS2020
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